Wednesday, 24 November 2010

I am Thankful

Thanksgiving is a relatively new concept for me. Since moving to London, I have been surrounded by a group of festive and fabulous Americans and Canadians who have certainly taught me a thing or two.

Each year around this time, they begin to explain once again, the whole notion of Thanksgiving. The turkey, the pilgrims, the traditions, the celebrations.

I love the whole idea of Thanksgiving. I love that we are reminded to not only think about the things that we are thankful for, but indeed, we are to celebrate.

So this year, Thanksgiving is at our place and we are set for a feast. The fabulous Americans and the lovely Canadian are busily planning and preparing for an unforgettable time of Thanksgiving.

Apparently, during Thanksgiving dinner, each person shares one thing that they are thankful for. I have so many things to be thankful for, so much so that I cannot even begin to contain them here. I truly have been blessed beyond measure.

One of my friends has even started her own '30 Days of Thankfulness'. Each day for a month, she is making a note of one thing that she is thankful for. I may just have to do the same.

What are you thankful for today?

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