Call it what you want, but 'Mondayitis' can loosely be described as a feeling of weariness, sadness, apathy and general distress that many individuals feel when starting the Monday morning work week. This feeling is usually enhanced after a large weekend {Urban Dictionary}
Apparently {so I have been told} some home cures include late morning breakfasts, sleeping late, watching re-runs of your favourite box set and half-hearted pledges of sobriety and restful weekends in the future. This pact one has with oneself usually lasts until Friday night.
During the long bus ride home last night, after a fabulously brilliant Sunday, I tried to muster up the courage to embrace the fact that the weekend was now pretty much over. I was thinking about how we see the week - Do we live for the weekends and just make it through the week? or do we treasure each and every day and treat it as if it has something to offer us? I must admit, for so long, I lived for the weekends. I remember when I first arrived in London, I would {only} just make it to Friday. I would put my head down and work the week through and then get so excited for the weekend. Then have a perfect weekend and then dread the week staring all over again. And with this mentality, no wonder I was scared of Mondays.
I lived like this for years until I started purposefully planning my weeks - Going out on a 'school night', having Monday night drinks, having Wednesday night movie dates and a Thursday night catch up with precious friends. I am learning to see each new day as it's own entity. Trying to see what beauty we can create each and every day of the week. Don't get me wrong, you will never be able to beat that fabulous Friday feeling or the weekend yumminess that includes long lie ins, slow breakfasts and chilled afternoons, but maybe, just maybe, we can start to enjoy the week just that little bit more.
So as Monday draws to a close for another week, how are we going to face tomorrow? As 4 days until the weekend or as Tuesday, full of anticipation for great things?
{Hope it was} Happy Monday, sweet friends x
Beautifully put Amy.
ReplyDeleteWorking 3 days means my Monday is a Wednesday and everyone else is in full swing and happy cos their Wednesday is 'hump' day......Guess its all relative.
"Trying to see what beauty we can create each and every day of the week" -- love this quote. Happy Monday to you dear! Embrace the day - for it IS the day the LORD has made! Let us rejoice! xx