Tuesday 10 May 2011

Bloom where you are planted

Where do you find yourself today? Is it where you thought or hoped you'd be? Somedays, I wonder why I am where I am today. Many decisions {albeit good and bad}, trials, loves, passions and adventures have led me to the place that I now stand.

Those who knew me 'pre' London, would have told you that I was like a little homing pigeon. Always gravitating back to my sweet family and friends in Sydney. This was until almost 8 years ago, this little lady jumped on a plane bound for London. Now honestly, the plan was to spend 12 months travelling the world and then my plan was to head back home to Sydney and 'settle down' like the rest of the sensible & grown-up population.

Little did I know back then that my life would actually flourish away from 'the plan' I had in my mind's eye. I remember all those years ago that I made a decision to embrace and appreciate every situation or season I found myself in. Through this, I found a joy and peace that has enabled me to live a life bigger than I had ever dreamed or imagined.

So, be encouraged. Maybe your life is not where you thought it would be. Take heart and know that you can flourish where you are standing, with the resources you have available to you. Decide to make the most of your situation and stay true to who you are.

So, wherever in this amazing world you find yourself, bloom where you are planted & make it beautiful xx

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