I'm always looking for new and interesting things to do in this amazing city and today, I was not disappointed. Just think drive-in movies and then take it to another level.
Enter: the good old fashioned bicycle.
Yep that's right, folks, the Cycle-In Cinema has come to London. The concept is simple, you pedal to generate the power needed to screen the film.
At any one time, to run a film, the powered cinema system uses 8 bikes and 16 legs to power a 4000 Lumen projector and 500W of audio equipment for screening films or projections. The bicycles can be arranged in a variety of formations.
So don't be shy. Head out to Hackney City Farm on your bike, with your friends or that special someone you want to woo with your cycling prowess. Remember to take a blanket and an FM Radio to tune into the film with.
And just a heads up, THE PRINCESS BRIDE is playing on Sunday 28th August {seriously you can't go wrong with this film}
Gates open – 8pm / Film starts 8.30pm
FREE (£5 suggested donation)
So get your pedalling feet on and remember to pack a picnic - the Outdoor Cycle Cinema has arrived!