Wednesday, 30 March 2011

Going Solo

So, I did it. I finally faced my fears and did something that totally freaked me out...i went to the movies by myself. I know,  *insert gasp here*

Call it peer pressure, or call it not having a date on a Monday night, I decided to do the unthinkable. I mean, this is me, the girl who likes to do nothing alone. The girl who likes to have someone in the house with me when I want to be alone.

I have had many conversations with people lately about the merits of seeing a film by yourself. These self-confessed movie buffs say that there is nothing better than watching a movie alone when you have a few spare hours to kill.

So I decided that it was now or never. In preparation of this massive endurance {of aloneness} feat, I decided to see if i could watch a movie all by myself in the comfort of my sweet little living room. I got about halfway through before I tried to lure unsuspecting flatmate #1 in to watch the remainder of the film with me. I even walked up 2 flights of stairs to try to further my cause. Denied. So I took my lonely little self back to the living room to try and watch the end. I didn't finish the movie. I decided to go and chat to flatmate #2 who had just walked in the door.

Well, was I up for the challenge of going to the cinema alone? Who knew! I did comfort myself with the knowledge that at any time, if I felt too uncomfortable, I could walk out and be safe again.

Enter: Amy into cinema complex.

As I bought my ticket and headed up the escalator of doom to my very lonely evening I wondered if the ticket man felt sorry for me. I glanced back to see if he was looking at me with sadness. He wasn't.

'Hmmmmmm' i thought, 'i haven't shocked anyone yet!'

There was still time for a stranger to look at me with pity, however to my amazement, no one even battered an eyelid at my solo expedition to the movies. I went to buy some water at the kiosk {narrowly stopping short of buying two bottles to elude to the fact that I had a date} Even with the one bottle of water thing, no one even flinched in my direction.

I sat down in my seat. Once seated I payed extra special attention to my mobile phone. I looked at every email I had received since 1998 and went through every setting on my phone. I had distracted myself for about 6 minutes before realising that no one around me actually cared whether I was there alone or not. 

A few other solo movie goers walked in and sat down. I didn't feel alone in this sea of happy couples and friends and families {I guess this is where I admit that I did in fact make friends with 3 people going into the cinema, but that's ok right?} 

The movie started. I was still alive and actually quite calm. I watched the whole movie without drama. Who would have thought?

So, am I a fan of going to the movies alone? Not really.
Was it as bad as I envisioned it would be? Not really.

This experience has made me realise many things about going to the movies solo. Here are my tips for you:

1. Arrive fashionably late, preferably once the trailers have started. The awkward silence of arriving alone to an empty cinema is deafening.

2. Make sure that you can emotionally cope with the movie you are about to see. Remember that you do not have a shoulder to cry on or a hand to squeeze when it gets too gruesome or sad or intense. For me, i'm pretty sure it needs to be rated U and of the Disney variety.

3. Don't sit next to anyone to pretend that you are not alone {i witnessed this and the outcome was not good}

4. If you need to, tell surrounding film goers that you are critiquing this film for a column you are writing - hence the reason you are alone {i may or may not have done this}

5. Pretend to be texting or emailing a very important message. {This also works when alone anywhere in the world}

6. Don't ever go solo on opening night of a movie. Destined for immediate fail right there.

So there you have it folks, I faced my fear! Saying that, going solo may not be something I will choose to do often, but now I know that I can do it.

And now to address fear of aloneness number 2: Dining Alone. 

On second thoughts, perhaps the movie thing was more than enough for this social little lady.

Much love & happy solo movie nights.
See you at the cinema. Want to sit together? xx 

Friday, 25 March 2011

Hello Bill Granger

Well hello, Bill Granger.

So this morning, I actually met this man. We both happened to be on the same Notting Hill street, at the same little sunny cafĂ©, at the same time. What a perfect start to Friday for me!

For those of you who are wondering, Bill Granger is the much loved Jamie Oliver of Australia. I have loved his cook books from the moment I stumbled across one years ago. My beloved bookshelf is currently stocked high with them all and one of his books often takes precedence on my coffee table. Breakfast time at my place can often be attributed to the culinary genius of Bill {for which I promise that I only take a teeny little bit of the credit for}

So there we were, sitting side by side, mere centimetres away from each other. You will be pleased to note that I harnessed every ounce of willpower inside of me to refrain from touching his shoulder and saying 'i think i could actually love cooking' {On a side note, why do we, as relatively normal human beings, feel the need to touch famous people? Or is that just me?} 

He was quietly enjoying his morning in the sunshine whilst I was secretly wishing that my puppy was trained to go and say hello to people at my signal. What a perfect idea. To train my puppy to use her powers of cuteness for good. Mental note: find a dog trainer so that I am prepared for all future Bill Granger run-ins. 

Actually, no, I am not a stalker. I am just a girl who happened to meet a superhero of the cooking world. 

So next time you are in the market for a new cook book, check out Bill Granger. I promise you will not be disappointed.

And in view of today's happenings, tomorrow's brunch is going to be Bill Granger style. Corn fritters or pancakes or blueberry many to choose from, oh I can't decide.

Much love & Happy Cooking! xx

Wednesday, 23 March 2011

I dare you not to smile

It's the middle of the working week and the sun is shining in London Town. That alone should be reason to smile & be happy. And if that doesn't help, I dare you not to smile at this super cuteness.

Happy Smiley Wednesday, Lovely People x

Monday, 21 March 2011

Unrequited love

Unrequited Love - Shakespeare wrote about it, the pages of history proclaim it, artists sing about it and most of us have lived through some form of it. 

My story starts a little over a week ago. I was happily minding my own business on the platform waiting for my train to arrive. The board indicated 8 minutes. I texted my friends, who were joining me on the train at the next station. The sun was shining and I felt it's heat on my back so I was thoroughly enjoying my wait. That was until a young gentleman decided that he'd like to be a part of my day {and as he told me later, his life}

Now please don't get me wrong, I love talking to and meeting new people. I will happily talk to people at the supermarket, or at the hairdresser or anywhere for that matter. However, when someone invades your personal space and starts telling you that you are perfect for them and 'we just have to hang out and get to know each other more' it just is a little bit overwhelming. This is perhaps just shy of the whole 'God told me we were going to get married' spiel {but that story is one for another day}

To take it further, he asked me almost a zillion personal questions from my most favourite holiday destination to the where I had bought my boots from. I do give him credit, he did try. What he didn't do was to read the signals that I was not particularly interested in starting a relationship with a boy that I had met 6 minutes ago.

I tried to give him all the signals to let him know that even though he was probably a very nice man, I was simply not interested. I got my phone out {epic fail} in the hope that one of my friends would telepathically know to call me. Instead he saw this as an invitation to exchange numbers. He proceeded to recite his number at me with vigour. When I failed to take down his number he recited his number again in an even louder voice. By this stage we had attracted the attention of a number of fellow passengers. Some of the ladies gave me the understanding nod and some of the men looked rather uncomfortable.

Seriously, the longest 8 minutes of my life. Never before have I willed a train to come as much as I did on this day. The train arrived and added to the trauma by being totally filled with football supporters. I launched myself into the overflowing carriage hoping that he wouldn't fit. Another epic fail on my behalf. He just followed behind me and squished closer to me than before. I tried to manoeuvre my way between two slightly large, sweaty, beer scented football supporters {honestly this was the better choice here} A few moments in this predicament I found myself being tapped on the shoulder by Mr Persistent. He had written his number down and tried to give it to me. As I motioned that I had no hands to take it as I was holding on to the rail, he slipped it into my pocket. Serious breach of personal space.

My friends did indeed push themselves on the train for me at the next station and it was my sweet friend Michelle who came to my aid. When she saw my face, she knew the situation was dire.  Without hesitation she catapulted herself at me and saved me from my impending doom. I could breathe again. I had escaped. Or so I had thought. Let's now move forward 9 days to this morning. Monday morning, fresh starts, new beginnings, the world is my oyster mentality. I walked to the bus stop and my positive attitude was immediately displaced when I saw Mr Persistent there waiting for the bus. He let 3 of his busses go past without getting on one. He said he wanted to wait with me and accompany me some or all of the way to work. Once again he tried to exchange numbers and wrote his number on a piece of paper and handed it to me.

When the bus arrived I raced upstairs and sat next to another passenger. He sat in front of me trying to make small talk. After a while, he realised this bus was going totally out of his way so he decided to jump off. Once out of the bus he yelled 'Call me' and with that I got out the piece of paper that he'd written his number on and destroyed it. I was so thankful that the second Mr Persistent saga was finally over.

Granted that this story is more like unrequited attention rather than unrequited love, it still has the same elements. And honestly, I don't think the situation was all that fun for either party. The truth is that unrequited love really does happen. When it does, we just need to dust ourself off and keep on going in the hope that one day, if we haven't already found it, we will all find a love that is in fact, requited.

Much love xx

Author's note: Thinking of taking a chaperone with me on all my future public transport endeavours. All applications welcome.

Thursday, 17 March 2011

To overreact

Ever overreacted?
I must admit I have been known to overreact maybe once or twice {or maybe more, but shhhh don't tell anyone} I often laugh at myself when I think back to all the times my reaction has not really been justified.

Just like the man on the bus last night who threw oranges at a fellow passenger because he was playing the recorder. He certainly acted more emotionally and forcibly than was needed to sort the situation out.

Just like my friend's Dad who had obviously had an extremely stressful day when the KFC bucket he ordered only had 8 pieces of chicken instead of the expected 9. This piece of chicken sent my friend's dad into a somewhat explicit rant about chicken and then proceeded to take his fury back to the establishment to right this dreaded wrong. My friend and I continue to be amused by this story to this day.

To overreact. Amusing in hindsight but is potentially damaging to both ourselves and our relationships.

So breathe next time you feel yourself getting carried away. Look at the facts and see if the reaction is worthy of all the emotional energy you are expending.


Tuesday, 15 March 2011

Cinderella is proof

There is a new Kurt Geiger store on Portobello Road. Ordinarily, this wouldn't be something that I usually gush about, but the fact that it is conveniently {and perhaps dangerously} located less than 4 minutes away from work has meant that I walk past it many times a day.

I have tried to ignore it, but honestly, each time I approach the intersection it beckons to me. Thus far, I have been able to refrain from entering into the shoe heaven {so proud} Saying this though, I do find myself staring longingly into the delightful windows filled with shoes that whisper 'buy me, I'm so lovely and comfortable and pretty...'

I have been fighting it for so long {actually about 4 days now but who's counting} I was doing well until I remembered a card a friend sent me once.

And with this, I took my happy little self back to the shoe store. Here's to new shoes & enthusiastically testing a theory.

Much love and anticipation, from me & my newly dressed feet xx

Monday, 14 March 2011

For Katie

So it seems that your time has come to an end,
It's with sadness we farewell such a sweet & dear friend.
Our beautiful Katie will go on her way,
To bring some sunshine to someone else's day.

She has been with us for over a year, 

And leaves us to embark on a brand new frontier. 
We wish her well and we'll pray that she’ll be, 
Happy and blessed and forever carefree.

We all will miss the fabulous treats that she makes, 
All the brownies, biscuits and sweet little cakes. 
She was definitely surprised and didn’t foresee, 
The domestic goddess she would turn out to be. 

Behind that blue door, many memories were made, 
Happy days and special friends, that time can not fade. 
Bike rides by the river on a perfect summer’s day, 
Believing that chocolate is in fact the only way. 

The beauty and comfort that is the Christmas Bed, 
The daily debrief of all that has been said. 
The wonderful times spent over coffee and brunch, 
Not to mention the delicious wine and Sunday lunch. 

The delightful fashion shows of what we should wear, 
And help with the curling and straightening of hair. 
Sitting on the love seat with a sweet cup of tea, 
Encouraging one another in all they could be. 

We will all treasure the time we shared at Bunny HQ, 
It’s with warm wishes that we bid you sweet adieu. 
So as our dear Katie goes on her little way, 
We wonder what parts of us, with her, will stay? 

Perhaps from Tennille, her love of clothes and personal style.
From Hajie, her passion for life and sweet effervescent smile. 
Lisa no doubt, has given all the business advice that she knows. 
And from me, I guess she has developed an appreciation for bows. 

So may God keep you safe and may your dreams come true, 
We are excited to see what the future holds for you. 
So our dear friend, we just wanted to say, 
You are loved and we wish you well on your way. 

And wherever the road takes you and whatever you do, 
There will always be a place in our house just for you. 


Take heart

It's hard to comprehend the sheer magnitude of the earthquake that hit Japan this last week. Within hours of the disaster, #prayforjapan was the main trend in the twitter world {and it continues to keep trending the world over} So let us keep being mindful of the people who are caught up in this natural disaster.

Over a thousand people are confirmed to have perished, over 10,000 missing and millions of people displaced with no access to power or water. Let us join together and pray for Japan.

There is a light
It burns brighter than the sun
He steals the night
And casts no shadow
There is hope
Should oceans rise and mountains fall
He never fails

So take heart
Let His love lead us through the night
Hold on to hope
And take courage again

In death by love
The fallen world was overcome
He wears the scars of our freedom
In His Name
All our fears are swept away
He never fails

Hillsong United, Take Heart {Aftermath}

Donations to the Japan Tsunami Appeal can be made through your local Red Cross or you can text REDCROSS to 90999 to donate $10 to Japan's Emergency Relief.

Tuesday, 8 March 2011

Operation 'Beach Holiday'

It's official 'Operation Beach Holiday' has begun. With the first glimpse of sunshine hitting London town {two days in a row, might I add} I have started to dream about the absolutely delicious European Summer.

Oh how I love Summer time on this side of the world. Most likely because I think I have learnt to appreciate it so much more than when I was living in the perfectly temperate land of Australia, where it's practically summer the whole year through.

This year who knows where the tides will take me, but one thing is for sure, I'm going to have fun dreaming about it in the meantime. Hot on the top of my list this year are the sunny shores of Sardinia, the beautiful waters of Croatia and perhaps a little glimpse of the stunning Amalfi Coast. So excited for some sand {or in some cases, rocks}, sea & sunshine. 

Who knows if I will actually get there, but a girl can certainly dream! 

Happy Sunny days... Only 83 until summer {but who's counting} xx

Monday, 7 March 2011

And while we're on the topic...

So as you can probably tell from my previous post, I love the whole notion of 'kissing and making up'. So much so, that when I discovered these little treasures, I was ridiculously excited!

Now mock me if you wish, but seriously, who wouldn't want these delicious little face wipes as a part of their day? They are organic, they have a super-cute name and the packaging is pink! What more could a girl ask for?

One of my dearest friends got me on to the Organic Surge range a while ago. I have tried a few of their products and apart from actually doing their job, they all seem to smell so amazingly divine. Bath time has never been such a treat!

So, get your hands on a packet and get ready to 'kiss and make up'.

Much love x

Let's kiss and make up

I love the phrase, ‘let’s kiss and make up’. It seems to be such a sweet neutraliser. 

Let's face it, some days, despite our very best intentions, we get ourselves into arguments and disagreements with the people that we love. We live and we {try to} learn, we let each other down, we get frustrated and sometimes we even hold grudges {who would have thought?}

And although conflict is not fun, I must admit that the silver lining is indeed the 'kiss & make up' part.

Sometimes the problems are significant and need to be worked through carefully {and fairly} and other times, the problems are trivial and we just need to get a little perspective on the matter. Either way, the manner with which we navigate the turns and trials in our relationships, ultimately determines the health of them.

No matter what type of relationship it is, forgiveness is always fundamental. Forgiveness is a verb {and for all of you who may be as gramatically challenged as I am most days, a verb is a 'doing' word} Forgiveness is an action not just a word. It is to grant pardon for or remission of an offence or debt. I find it interesting that the dictionary also sees that forgiveness is to cease to feel resentment against someone.

How many times do we say we are sorry yet continue to hold resentment and hard feelings? And likewise, how many fights have we had where we don't stick to the topic and bring up all the issues and arguments we have had in the past?

It's a tough one huh?

Robert Muller wrote that “to forgive is the highest, most beautiful form of love. In return, you will receive untold peace and happiness.” How true is this!

So if we find ourselves in conflict, let's commit to fighting fair. Let's commit to being the ones to say sorry and mean it. Then we can go ahead and enjoy the fun part.

Happy Kissing and Making Up xx

Friday, 4 March 2011

Wednesday, 2 March 2011

Boys and Girls

I love that boys and girls are so completely different. It totally intrigues me how we manage to come together and compliment each other so perfectly. I must admit, I do find the differences we have quite endearing and generally, fairly comical. 

Here are a few truths I have found {or been told}...

I'm pretty sure that women have a dedicated part of their brain for remembering every piece of clothing that they have ever worn, where they wore it and who they wore it with. Men can't remember {or don't care about} what they wore yesterday.

A women will always know what to do when somebody starts to cry. A man will panic, grab the nearest women to help and run away.

Generally, women take 20 minutes to choose food from a takeaway menu, men will take 1 minute. When the food arrives, women always decide that they want to eat the man's food..... and subsequently do!

Men will answer any simple question with a long, boring and over detailed answer. They will also answer complex and important questions with "mmm" or "yep".

Men apparently have a 'nothing box' in their brain. When women ask men what they are thinking, "nothing" is officially a valid answer. This does not generally go down well with women. Mark Gungor amusingly validates this point.

A man will sleep through any sound. A women will hear any sound and be worried about burglars.

Men are generally good drivers. Women tend to believe they are good drivers.

Men learnt very quickly in childhood that small house spiders are not going to eat you in your sleep. A woman never learns this.

Men forget almost every birthday, anniversary or appointment. Women have a built in diary that triggers a 'card alert'.

Women must attend bathrooms in multiple numbers. Men use the tag team technique.

A man has six items in his bathroom: toothbrush and toothpaste, shaving cream, razor, a bar of soap, and a towel. The average number of items in the typical woman's bathroom is 337. {A man would not be able to identify more than 20 of these items}.

A woman knows all about her children. She knows about dentist appointments and football games and romances and best friends and favourite foods and secret fears and hopes and dreams. A man is vaguely aware of some little people living in the house.

And just while we are on the point, here are a few random conversations we {girls} have overheard. Don't worry boys, it secretly makes us love you even more.

Guy 1: How was your weekend, mate?
Guy 2: Not so good.. my van caught on fire.
Guy 1: That sucks.
Guy 2: Yeah.
End of conversation.

Boyfriend: Look at that massive puddle over there!
Girlfriend: That's a river.
Boyfriend: Are you sure?
Girlfriend: Yes, that's why there are boats on it.

Man1: Has your sister had her baby yet?
Man2: Yeah, a couple of days ago, it's immature.
Man1: What?
Man2: A baby girl. She's immature.
Man1: Do you mean premature?
Man2: Er, yeah, probably.

Hope this made you smile xx