Monday 21 March 2011

Unrequited love

Unrequited Love - Shakespeare wrote about it, the pages of history proclaim it, artists sing about it and most of us have lived through some form of it. 

My story starts a little over a week ago. I was happily minding my own business on the platform waiting for my train to arrive. The board indicated 8 minutes. I texted my friends, who were joining me on the train at the next station. The sun was shining and I felt it's heat on my back so I was thoroughly enjoying my wait. That was until a young gentleman decided that he'd like to be a part of my day {and as he told me later, his life}

Now please don't get me wrong, I love talking to and meeting new people. I will happily talk to people at the supermarket, or at the hairdresser or anywhere for that matter. However, when someone invades your personal space and starts telling you that you are perfect for them and 'we just have to hang out and get to know each other more' it just is a little bit overwhelming. This is perhaps just shy of the whole 'God told me we were going to get married' spiel {but that story is one for another day}

To take it further, he asked me almost a zillion personal questions from my most favourite holiday destination to the where I had bought my boots from. I do give him credit, he did try. What he didn't do was to read the signals that I was not particularly interested in starting a relationship with a boy that I had met 6 minutes ago.

I tried to give him all the signals to let him know that even though he was probably a very nice man, I was simply not interested. I got my phone out {epic fail} in the hope that one of my friends would telepathically know to call me. Instead he saw this as an invitation to exchange numbers. He proceeded to recite his number at me with vigour. When I failed to take down his number he recited his number again in an even louder voice. By this stage we had attracted the attention of a number of fellow passengers. Some of the ladies gave me the understanding nod and some of the men looked rather uncomfortable.

Seriously, the longest 8 minutes of my life. Never before have I willed a train to come as much as I did on this day. The train arrived and added to the trauma by being totally filled with football supporters. I launched myself into the overflowing carriage hoping that he wouldn't fit. Another epic fail on my behalf. He just followed behind me and squished closer to me than before. I tried to manoeuvre my way between two slightly large, sweaty, beer scented football supporters {honestly this was the better choice here} A few moments in this predicament I found myself being tapped on the shoulder by Mr Persistent. He had written his number down and tried to give it to me. As I motioned that I had no hands to take it as I was holding on to the rail, he slipped it into my pocket. Serious breach of personal space.

My friends did indeed push themselves on the train for me at the next station and it was my sweet friend Michelle who came to my aid. When she saw my face, she knew the situation was dire.  Without hesitation she catapulted herself at me and saved me from my impending doom. I could breathe again. I had escaped. Or so I had thought. Let's now move forward 9 days to this morning. Monday morning, fresh starts, new beginnings, the world is my oyster mentality. I walked to the bus stop and my positive attitude was immediately displaced when I saw Mr Persistent there waiting for the bus. He let 3 of his busses go past without getting on one. He said he wanted to wait with me and accompany me some or all of the way to work. Once again he tried to exchange numbers and wrote his number on a piece of paper and handed it to me.

When the bus arrived I raced upstairs and sat next to another passenger. He sat in front of me trying to make small talk. After a while, he realised this bus was going totally out of his way so he decided to jump off. Once out of the bus he yelled 'Call me' and with that I got out the piece of paper that he'd written his number on and destroyed it. I was so thankful that the second Mr Persistent saga was finally over.

Granted that this story is more like unrequited attention rather than unrequited love, it still has the same elements. And honestly, I don't think the situation was all that fun for either party. The truth is that unrequited love really does happen. When it does, we just need to dust ourself off and keep on going in the hope that one day, if we haven't already found it, we will all find a love that is in fact, requited.

Much love xx

Author's note: Thinking of taking a chaperone with me on all my future public transport endeavours. All applications welcome.

1 comment:

  1. oh no!! What a complete disaster :-) I had many a chuckle reading it - can't WAIT for the REQUITED love story to take place (I know it'ws going to be a good one)!
    Love you my funny friend,
