Monday 7 March 2011

Let's kiss and make up

I love the phrase, ‘let’s kiss and make up’. It seems to be such a sweet neutraliser. 

Let's face it, some days, despite our very best intentions, we get ourselves into arguments and disagreements with the people that we love. We live and we {try to} learn, we let each other down, we get frustrated and sometimes we even hold grudges {who would have thought?}

And although conflict is not fun, I must admit that the silver lining is indeed the 'kiss & make up' part.

Sometimes the problems are significant and need to be worked through carefully {and fairly} and other times, the problems are trivial and we just need to get a little perspective on the matter. Either way, the manner with which we navigate the turns and trials in our relationships, ultimately determines the health of them.

No matter what type of relationship it is, forgiveness is always fundamental. Forgiveness is a verb {and for all of you who may be as gramatically challenged as I am most days, a verb is a 'doing' word} Forgiveness is an action not just a word. It is to grant pardon for or remission of an offence or debt. I find it interesting that the dictionary also sees that forgiveness is to cease to feel resentment against someone.

How many times do we say we are sorry yet continue to hold resentment and hard feelings? And likewise, how many fights have we had where we don't stick to the topic and bring up all the issues and arguments we have had in the past?

It's a tough one huh?

Robert Muller wrote that “to forgive is the highest, most beautiful form of love. In return, you will receive untold peace and happiness.” How true is this!

So if we find ourselves in conflict, let's commit to fighting fair. Let's commit to being the ones to say sorry and mean it. Then we can go ahead and enjoy the fun part.

Happy Kissing and Making Up xx

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