Thursday, 17 March 2011

To overreact

Ever overreacted?
I must admit I have been known to overreact maybe once or twice {or maybe more, but shhhh don't tell anyone} I often laugh at myself when I think back to all the times my reaction has not really been justified.

Just like the man on the bus last night who threw oranges at a fellow passenger because he was playing the recorder. He certainly acted more emotionally and forcibly than was needed to sort the situation out.

Just like my friend's Dad who had obviously had an extremely stressful day when the KFC bucket he ordered only had 8 pieces of chicken instead of the expected 9. This piece of chicken sent my friend's dad into a somewhat explicit rant about chicken and then proceeded to take his fury back to the establishment to right this dreaded wrong. My friend and I continue to be amused by this story to this day.

To overreact. Amusing in hindsight but is potentially damaging to both ourselves and our relationships.

So breathe next time you feel yourself getting carried away. Look at the facts and see if the reaction is worthy of all the emotional energy you are expending.


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