Wednesday 2 March 2011

Boys and Girls

I love that boys and girls are so completely different. It totally intrigues me how we manage to come together and compliment each other so perfectly. I must admit, I do find the differences we have quite endearing and generally, fairly comical. 

Here are a few truths I have found {or been told}...

I'm pretty sure that women have a dedicated part of their brain for remembering every piece of clothing that they have ever worn, where they wore it and who they wore it with. Men can't remember {or don't care about} what they wore yesterday.

A women will always know what to do when somebody starts to cry. A man will panic, grab the nearest women to help and run away.

Generally, women take 20 minutes to choose food from a takeaway menu, men will take 1 minute. When the food arrives, women always decide that they want to eat the man's food..... and subsequently do!

Men will answer any simple question with a long, boring and over detailed answer. They will also answer complex and important questions with "mmm" or "yep".

Men apparently have a 'nothing box' in their brain. When women ask men what they are thinking, "nothing" is officially a valid answer. This does not generally go down well with women. Mark Gungor amusingly validates this point.

A man will sleep through any sound. A women will hear any sound and be worried about burglars.

Men are generally good drivers. Women tend to believe they are good drivers.

Men learnt very quickly in childhood that small house spiders are not going to eat you in your sleep. A woman never learns this.

Men forget almost every birthday, anniversary or appointment. Women have a built in diary that triggers a 'card alert'.

Women must attend bathrooms in multiple numbers. Men use the tag team technique.

A man has six items in his bathroom: toothbrush and toothpaste, shaving cream, razor, a bar of soap, and a towel. The average number of items in the typical woman's bathroom is 337. {A man would not be able to identify more than 20 of these items}.

A woman knows all about her children. She knows about dentist appointments and football games and romances and best friends and favourite foods and secret fears and hopes and dreams. A man is vaguely aware of some little people living in the house.

And just while we are on the point, here are a few random conversations we {girls} have overheard. Don't worry boys, it secretly makes us love you even more.

Guy 1: How was your weekend, mate?
Guy 2: Not so good.. my van caught on fire.
Guy 1: That sucks.
Guy 2: Yeah.
End of conversation.

Boyfriend: Look at that massive puddle over there!
Girlfriend: That's a river.
Boyfriend: Are you sure?
Girlfriend: Yes, that's why there are boats on it.

Man1: Has your sister had her baby yet?
Man2: Yeah, a couple of days ago, it's immature.
Man1: What?
Man2: A baby girl. She's immature.
Man1: Do you mean premature?
Man2: Er, yeah, probably.

Hope this made you smile xx

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