Friday 25 March 2011

Hello Bill Granger

Well hello, Bill Granger.

So this morning, I actually met this man. We both happened to be on the same Notting Hill street, at the same little sunny cafĂ©, at the same time. What a perfect start to Friday for me!

For those of you who are wondering, Bill Granger is the much loved Jamie Oliver of Australia. I have loved his cook books from the moment I stumbled across one years ago. My beloved bookshelf is currently stocked high with them all and one of his books often takes precedence on my coffee table. Breakfast time at my place can often be attributed to the culinary genius of Bill {for which I promise that I only take a teeny little bit of the credit for}

So there we were, sitting side by side, mere centimetres away from each other. You will be pleased to note that I harnessed every ounce of willpower inside of me to refrain from touching his shoulder and saying 'i think i could actually love cooking' {On a side note, why do we, as relatively normal human beings, feel the need to touch famous people? Or is that just me?} 

He was quietly enjoying his morning in the sunshine whilst I was secretly wishing that my puppy was trained to go and say hello to people at my signal. What a perfect idea. To train my puppy to use her powers of cuteness for good. Mental note: find a dog trainer so that I am prepared for all future Bill Granger run-ins. 

Actually, no, I am not a stalker. I am just a girl who happened to meet a superhero of the cooking world. 

So next time you are in the market for a new cook book, check out Bill Granger. I promise you will not be disappointed.

And in view of today's happenings, tomorrow's brunch is going to be Bill Granger style. Corn fritters or pancakes or blueberry many to choose from, oh I can't decide.

Much love & Happy Cooking! xx

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